
Areas of Specialisation: 

Philosophy and Public Policy, Health Policy, Philosophy of Science and Social Science, Bioethics.

Areas of Competence: 

African Philosophy, Post-Colonial Thought.


(2024) with Maya J. Goldenberg. “Disagreement and Public Health.” The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Disagreement. Routledge, 97-507.

(2024). Science Skepticism. In: Schramme, T., Walker, M. (eds) Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine. Springer, Dordrecht.

(2023). Beliefs, values and emotions: An interactive approach to distrust in science. Philosophical Psychology, 37(1), 240–257.

(2022) Epistemic Bunkers. Social Epistemology.

(2021) What Use are Real-World Cases to Philosophers? Ergo

(2020) On Trusting Neighbours More Than Experts: An Ebola Case Study. Frontiers in Communication Science and Environmental Communication.

(2020) Mono-Causal and Multi-Causal Theories of Disease: How to Think Virally and Socially about the Aetiology of AIDS. Journal of Medical Humanities.

(2019) (co-authored with Dr Matthew Burch) Objectivity in Science and Law: A Shared Rescue Strategy, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 64: 60-70.

(2018) Moral Responsibility, Culpable Ignorance, and Suppressed Disagreement. Social Epistemology.

(2017) (co-authored with Chingore-Munazvo, N; Raw, A; and Slabbert M)(Fo) Chronicles of communication and power: informed consent to sterilisation in the Namibian Supreme Court’s LM judgment of 2015. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics.


(2019) Review: Immaculada de Melo-Martin and Kristen Intemann, ‘The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap between Scientists and the Public’. British Journal of Philosophy of Science

(2018) Review: John Forrester, Thinking in Cases. Metascience. Volume 27, Issue 2, pp 221–222

(2015) Review: Jonathan Matheson and Rico Vitz (eds.), The Ethics of Belief, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.18 (5):1105-1106.

(2011) Review: Franziska Bieri. From Blood Diamonds to the Kimberly Process: How NGOs Cleaned Up the Global Diamond Industry. Journal of African and Asian Studies pp. 439- 440

Shorter Pieces:

(May 2020) Keeping Close to Home: Communities and Contagion, The Philosopher’s Magazine, pp. 91 – 95


Why are so many medical staff suffering from burnout? (with Elizabeth Barrett)

Bearing Witness: What are Journalists doing in Conflict Zones? (with Richard Stupart)

How Mbeki’s character and his AIDS denialism are intimately linked

The international response to the Ebola outbreak has excluded Africans and their interests


Mistrust of science isn’t always irrational

Philosophical Disquisitions Interview: How to Understand COVID-19

Out of the Vat Interview

Interview on PowerFM about Mbeki’s AIDS denialism